
Saturday, May 28, 2011

State house shadow-sold

Oil on canvas, 24" x 30"
This is a painting I started a long time ago (maybe 2 years?) - long enough that this view no longer exists for most people because there is a house in the way (the beginnings of the foundation are on the bottom right). I pulled it out the other day, looked at it and decided that there were just a couple of little things I needed to change- a few color/value adjustments- and now I'm fairly happy with it. It's a view of the Rhode Island statehouse in Providence from the East Side.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shorebird and spring flowers- sold

Oil on canvas, 18" x 18"
I've been trying to work this bird into a still life for a long time. It never seemed to look right in anything else but I rather like this.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lilacs at Smith Castle-sold

Oil on board, 8" x 8"
Ann and I went painting on Friday in Wickford, first at the town dock, which we eventually left due partly to the fact that a school bus full of kids pulled up (it's field trip time).

We then went to Smith Castle, which isn't a castle, it's an old farmhouse, but it's on the National Register of Historic Places and is open for tours. I was happy with this little painting, a backlit view of the house with lilacs in bloom and that lime green reflected up into the shadows.

The same bus full of kids was scheduled to show up there, which in a way turned out to be a good thing, because there were several docents on hand dressed in their period outfits (don't say costumes!) and we ended up chatting with them and taking a few pictures.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A bottle of red

Oil on canvas, 12" x 16"
JRS Fine Art, my Providence gallery of long standing and a fixture on Wickendon St., will be closing at the end of June. Jim just wants to have fun! So if there's a piece of art you've had you eye on, now would be the time to get it. Or just stop by to say goodbye.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pansies and plums

Oil on canvas, 20" x 16"
I've really been in the mood for painting from life-- painting from photos can be so dull. These pansies were on sale so they became the subject.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011