
Monday, October 31, 2011

Pepper, Reflected-sold

Oil on linen, 6"x6"
I'm not sure why, but it's really fun painting bright red. Try it, I bet you'll like it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


No photo today, but I thought this was really valuable information for any oil painter-

We all know solvents are bad, here's a good explanation of what to look for.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Painting with Four Colors

I really enjoyed teaching a workshop on Friday and Saturday about using a limited palette of ivory black, yellow ochre, cadmium red light and white. Everyone created a color chart the first morning, so they could see the full range of color you can get from so few colors. Seen all together, they have a really lovely harmony. In the afternoon, students painted still lifes, using the same colors, and the next morning did a portrait from a live model.

The greatest thing, when you're teaching, is to see people suddenly start understanding what you're talking about. My students had very little or no experience painting from a model, and were thrilled that this palette of colors actually takes a lot of the guesswork out of mixing color. You can mix almost any flesh or hair color, and they all harmonize. So all that's left are little things like drawing. And values. And edges. Stuff like that...

Friday, October 21, 2011

The last marigolds

Oil on canvas panel, 6"x8"
My favorite little brass teapot with some of the season's last flowers. Email me for price.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Man in Bandanna

Oil on panel, 10"x8"

I so enjoy using just four colors to paint these portraits. It simplifies the decision making in mixing color and provides a harmony to the overall painting. Email me for price.

"A Little Paint, A Lot of Color" Workshop, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22. Portsmouth Arts Guild, Portsmouth RI.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cows- sold

Oil on panel, 6"x6"
We had fun painting a farm on Jamestown the other day. The weather has been beautiful for the last few days.
Email me for price.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Limited palette

Oil on panel, 10" x 8"
Both of these portraits are done with only 4 colors- white, black, cadmium red light, and yellow ochre, otherwise known as the palette used by Anders Zorn. I'm teaching a 2-day workshop for the
Portsmouth Arts Guild in a few weeks, called A little paint, a lot of color, where, using those 4 colors,  we'll do a color chart, work from still lifes, and on the second day work from a model. There's still room if you want to sign up.