
Saturday, December 31, 2011


Oil on linen, 6"x6"
This yellow pepper just demanded to be painted- and who am I to say no?
Click to bid.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tangerine 2-sold

Oil on linen, 6"x6"
My favorite little brass teapot makes another appearance.
Click to bid.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Oil on linen, 6" x 6"
I've been a member of Daily Paintworks for a number of months now and have decided to try using their auction for my little paintings (including my previous post, "At the Beach").
Click to bid.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Bit of Whimsy

I was doing some much needed cleaning in my studio yesterday when I came across this remnant from my previous life as a greeting card illustrator. These are watercolor illustrations of a card collection called "Kitty Cove", where we visit a charming little seaside town populated by cute kitties ( :

They're all a little under 8" x 6", painted on Arches watercolor paper, and were designed to be diecut along the top (except for the horizontal one). Most of them also have a kind of blank area where the title would be dropped in (like, Happy Birthday!). I know there were originally 20 designs; I don't know what happened to the other two. If I were to do them again I'd try to paint them a little more loosely, but overall, I'm actually still kind of happy with them.

They're for sale, if you'd like one or several (I think they'd be nice in small groups in a kid's bedroom) so if you're interested email me. I'm selling them for $50. each plus $5/shipping (if you buy more than 1, you only pay one shipping charge.)

Friday, December 2, 2011

T is for Tavern- sold

Oil on panel, 6"x8"
Another painting of my favorite building in Providence. This and others can be seen at the Foundry Holiday Sale, which opened last night. My friend Ed Huff shot a number of 360 degree panoramas at the opening, fun to look at, which you can see here. Be sure to look all the way up, and all the way down!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waterfire I- sold

Oil on panel, 6" x 8"
The Foundry Artists Holiday Show opens this Thursday night, Dec. 1. It's a fun way to get a jump on your holiday shopping, free refreshments and live music! So stop by if you're around. This painting of Providence's well known Waterfire will be available at my booth.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dinner at McFaddens- study

Oil on linen, 6" x 6"

I've made some nifty little
from a few of my landscape paintings...

- 5 assorted designs (shown at left), 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"
- 6 envelopes (in case you make a mistake!)
- Blank inside
-They come in a resealable plastic envelope

Only $10.00, plus $1.00 for shipping.

Order now!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cabernet please-sold

Oil on linen, 6" x 6"
The bar at Castle Hill. This painting will be available at the Foundry Artists Holiday Sale, which opens-OMG- a week from tomorrow.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oil on panel, 10"x8"
I got off to a great start with this portrait, but then the model took a break and never could quite get into the pose she was in before. In a three-quarter view it REALLY shows if your anatomy isn't right, and eventually I stopped trying to fix it and wiped off a chunk to repaint. It was toward the end of the evening, so I didn't have much time left, but I was reasonably happy with the result, considering.

On another note, the opening reception for Save the Bay is tonight (Thursday). $25.00 gets you food, drink, and some great company. If you're going to donate to a good cause, what's better than this? If you're in the Providence area, come on down. Oh, and did you say that piece of artwork on the invitation looks familiar? Yes, it is mine...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Harris Ave.-sold

Oil on linen, 6"x6"
Late afternoon light on this interesting old building in Providence.
This painting will be available at the Foundry Artists Holiday Show, opening Thursday night, Dec. 1.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Six at the Sevens- sold

Oil on linen, 6" x 6"
The Sevens is a great little pub in Beacon Hill, Boston, and six is the time to meet there...

This painting is at the Copley Society of Art Holiday Small Works Show.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hydrangea house

Oil on linen, 6" x 6"

6th Annual Artists for Save the Bay
Opening reception November 17
$25.00/person includes drinks and hors d'oeuvres

December 1-11, 2011
172 Exchange St., Pawtucket RI

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Good Gourd!

Oil on canvas, 6"x6"
I love the colors of autumn.
Email me for price.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

'Tis the season-sold

"Beach Read", oil on canvas, 8"x8" framed

Rhode Island PBS is having their annual online art auction and I've donated this painting, framed with a gold-edged floating frame, to them. If you want to help out this wonderful cause, you can make a bid by going to this here.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pepper, Reflected-sold

Oil on linen, 6"x6"
I'm not sure why, but it's really fun painting bright red. Try it, I bet you'll like it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


No photo today, but I thought this was really valuable information for any oil painter-

We all know solvents are bad, here's a good explanation of what to look for.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Painting with Four Colors

I really enjoyed teaching a workshop on Friday and Saturday about using a limited palette of ivory black, yellow ochre, cadmium red light and white. Everyone created a color chart the first morning, so they could see the full range of color you can get from so few colors. Seen all together, they have a really lovely harmony. In the afternoon, students painted still lifes, using the same colors, and the next morning did a portrait from a live model.

The greatest thing, when you're teaching, is to see people suddenly start understanding what you're talking about. My students had very little or no experience painting from a model, and were thrilled that this palette of colors actually takes a lot of the guesswork out of mixing color. You can mix almost any flesh or hair color, and they all harmonize. So all that's left are little things like drawing. And values. And edges. Stuff like that...

Friday, October 21, 2011

The last marigolds

Oil on canvas panel, 6"x8"
My favorite little brass teapot with some of the season's last flowers. Email me for price.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Man in Bandanna

Oil on panel, 10"x8"

I so enjoy using just four colors to paint these portraits. It simplifies the decision making in mixing color and provides a harmony to the overall painting. Email me for price.

"A Little Paint, A Lot of Color" Workshop, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22. Portsmouth Arts Guild, Portsmouth RI.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cows- sold

Oil on panel, 6"x6"
We had fun painting a farm on Jamestown the other day. The weather has been beautiful for the last few days.
Email me for price.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Limited palette

Oil on panel, 10" x 8"
Both of these portraits are done with only 4 colors- white, black, cadmium red light, and yellow ochre, otherwise known as the palette used by Anders Zorn. I'm teaching a 2-day workshop for the
Portsmouth Arts Guild in a few weeks, called A little paint, a lot of color, where, using those 4 colors,  we'll do a color chart, work from still lifes, and on the second day work from a model. There's still room if you want to sign up.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Girl with earrings

Oil on panel, 10" x 8"
I finally got back to portrait night at Kate's Studio on Monday.
Email me for price.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Foggy morning-sold

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
I spent last week on Cape Cod with some painter friends and had a great time, but oh, are my plein air painting skills rusty...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wickendon St. morning-sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 8"
Meeting a friend for coffee early Saturday morning, the light on Wickendon St. was clear and bright.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Polo Picnic

Oil on linen, 6" x 6"
There's something about spectator sports that makes people want to eat, and something about polo that makes them want to dress up. The result can be some nice painting material...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Opening at the F.A.N. Gallery

Everything went very well at the opening Friday night in Philadelphia. Here I am with Fred, the gallery owner, a man who is wonderfully passionate about painting. The show looked great, if I do say so myself, and several paintings sold while I was there at the opening.

It turns out that the first Friday of the month is a big time in Old City, Philadelphia, with galleries staying open until 9PM and lots of funky bars and restaurants in the neighborhood. Philadelphia Style magazine published a great article about First Fridays which included an interview with Fred.

The gallery has a new website and a new blog, where they published a short interview with me. The show is up until October 1, although it will be closed Sept. 21-25 because of attendance at the USArtists show, which is a fundraiser for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Girl Talk

Oil on canvas, 8" x 10"
Well, the winds of Irene are raging outside right now. This is my last post before the opening of my show at the F.A.N. Gallery next Friday night, Sept. 2, 5-9 PM. If you're in the area, drop in!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A whole lotta shakin'-sold

Oil on canvas, 20" x 24"
Did I not say that something was going to happen? And funnily enough, this is what I was working on when the earthquake hit- a painting of Union Station in- where?- Washington DC. Call me prescient.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Primary colors

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
In the old city of Quebec, any corner you turn may hold charming sights, like yellow houses with blue doors and baskets of red flowers.

On another note- things artists don't want to hear on the eve of their big one-person show:
- The economy is tanking.
- There's a hurricane due to land on the east coast on the day your work is due at the gallery, 300 miles away.
And if it's true that everything comes in threes, there may be one more surprise coming...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ann and Otis- sold

Oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
From one of my favorite photos, a painting of my friend Ann and her dog. Look who's got the couch...
This will be in my show at the F.A.N. Gallery, coming up very shortly. I really like the work I've been doing the last two weeks- wish I'd been painting like this all along, I would have had all the work I needed weeks ago. As it is, I'm making a last minute push to get everything finished, varnished, and framed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Time to go home- sold

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
This will be at my show at the FAN Gallery in Philadelphia.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

T is for tavern-sold

Oil on canvas, 20" x 24"
This is one of my favorite buildings in downtown Providence, and I've painted it several times. The light in the afternoon is very intriguing.
Getting ready for this show at the FAN Gallery, I've worked a lot from photos on the computer. One thing I've found is that it seems to be easy, particularly on larger pieces, to let your darks become too light. Photos on a monitor have so much more light and color than a print of the same image! Before you know it, all your shadows are too light and you've lost the contrast that you need. I had to work back into this to reestablish the darks. It can be helpful to make a print so you can find a happy medium, because prints are hard to work from too- the lights are too light and the darks are too dark. The truth is somewhere in between...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A bar in Brooklyn

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
This is headed for my show at the FAN Gallery in Philadelphia in September.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The craft fair

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
This is a larger version of a piece I did last year and will be at my show at the F.A.N. Gallery in Philadelphia in September.
A reminder to subscribers-  you must click on the email you get after you subscribe to finish your subscription. If you don't get an email immediately, check your spam folder.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Orange Umbrella-sold

Oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
This is a larger version of a painting I did a while back. It's a picture of the JRS Gallery on Wickendon St. in Providence, which just closed because the owner is now retired.

I'm pleased to announce that I have joined Daily Paintworks, a wonderful group of artists. Check it out!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hints of lemon- sold

Oil on canvas, 12" x 16"
The roses got pretty beat up by all of the rain we had lately, but I did manage to get one painting done of them. After doing a red wine painting a few weeks back, I had to do a white.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pink Candles-sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 6"
I haven't done any of these little paintings for a while, nice to get back to them.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

In the shade

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
Ann and I posed for each other the other day. She put me under a rose arbor, in the sun, a pretty spot but after half an hour I felt like a chicken in a broiler. I put her in the shade, and did this in about an hour. It was interesting to paint pale skin in the shade- it had to look cool and light, but at the same time, warmer and darker than her skirt. I'm fairly happy with the result, although it would have been nice to have another hour to work on it.

My plein air class at the Portsmouth Arts Guild starts next week, and there's still room if you're interested!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jamestown again

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
The view from Fort Wetherill- probably one of the nicest spots in Rhode Island....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coffee and dessert

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
I'll be teaching a plein air class in beautiful Bristol RI for the Portsmouth Art Guild starting in 2 weeks. The class will meet on Thursday mornings. Plenty of room left in the class if you want to sign up! Last year we had a really good time with great weather.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another cold one-sold

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
Just chillin' on a hot summer day.