
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Zig zag cloud

Oil on gessobord, 6" x 6"
Yesterday, at Colt State Park in Bristol RI.
Email me for purchase info.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Almost Autumn

Oil on gessobord, 8" x 10"
My second painting from yesterday, this one in oil. I've been admiring this house for a while and finally painted it. The colors are starting to show in the foliage. Darn! Summer's really over.
Email me for price.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hunt House, in gouache- sold

I got out early this morning and painted the Hunt House, a historic home in East Providence. It's done with gouache on gray Strathmore sketch paper, about 5.5" x 8".  The road on the bottom of the painting is just the gray of the paper.
The hardest part of this painting- what color is yellow in shadow? It seemed very blue at the top, just under the roof, but much lighter at the bottom of the building. I painted it and wiped it out a couple of times before finally settling on a dull greenish color with hints of yellow ochre.

Email me for price.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Blackstone Blvd. Tree- sold

This morning on Blackstone Blvd., Providence RI... I drove past this tree the other day and had to go back and paint it in the morning light. The original is a little brighter than this image, less brown, a little more green.
Gouache, approx. 7" x 9" on watercolor paper

Friday, September 19, 2014

Portrait- sold

Our model on Monday night. Great hair!
My limited color portrait class is starting at the Portsmouth (RI) Art Guild on Wednesday mornings in October. It's a great class for all levels, even beginners.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Painting demo at Rowley Gallery

I had fun doing a demo at the Rowley Gallery in Orleans, MA on Saturday. Did this 18 x 18 in 2 hours (although I fooled around with it a little at home the next day).
 Using a viewfinder is really helpful. I carry two in my pochade box- a square and a 3x4.

 Sketched it in with burnt sienna.
Closing in on it... and a big thanks to my friend Anne who took the photos.
Email me for price.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Central- sold

Oil on canvas, 8" x 10"
The Central claims to be the oldest saloon in Seattle, and was irresistible to paint.
Email me for price.
A reminder, I'll be doing a demo at the Rowley Gallery in Orleans MA this Saturday, 1-3 PM. Liz is cleaning out the basement and has lots of frames for sale too. Stop by!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Oil on canvas, approx. 8" X 10"
Email me for price.
I'll be doing a painting demo next Saturday, Sept. 13 at the Rowley Gallery in Orleans MA, from 1-3PM. Stop by if you're in the area! One of the last weekends of summer ) :