
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Two trees

Oil, 8" x 8"
These two trees seemed to be doing a pas de deux at a local historic cemetery. I sat in my car and drew and painted them, as it was way too cold and windy to set up outside.

Getting the values right- the sunlit part of the trees was lighter than the blue of the sky- was challenging. The neutral winter colors were also tough. What color is that bark? It always seemed either warmer or cooler than the color I mixed. In the end you have to just look at the big picture- it's all relative, right?
$200.00 plus shipping

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

More snow, please- sold

"Winter/spring shadows" , Oil, 8" x 10"

Just when I realize how nice it can be painting snow scenes when the temps are in the high 20's, it suddenly gets so warm and rainy that all the snow disappears.

This was painted behind the historic Hunt House in East Providence, RI.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Snowmelt at Caratunk- sold

Oil, 8" x 8"
I felt compelled to do at least one painting of snow before it's all gone so I headed out to Caratunk Audubon Preserve. I knew there was a lovely stream there that would make a good painting subject. I hadn't painted outside for several months so of course, something went wrong- I hiked through the woods only to find when I got there that my tripod was broken. It had broken before and I had superglued it together, but this time there was no repairing it.

I found a rock I could sit on with a reasonably good view of the stream and managed to get a half decent painting. It was a bit precarious- one careless move and my pochade box would have ended up in the stream. All's well that ends well, though. Almost makes me want more snow...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Silver and strawberries- Sold

Oil, 6" x 6"
Painting some little still lives. Maybe it's my advertising background, but in the past I've always tended to fill the canvas with the objects I'm painting. I'm realizing the value of leaving more open space around things, giving them room to breathe; and painting them at eye level tends to give even small objects a more iconic status. Abbey Ryan does this really well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Portrait Drawing

I'll be teaching a two week Portrait Drawing class at the Portsmouth Arts Guild starting Wednesday morning, March 25. We'll be working from live models. This class is a warmup for the Portrait Painting class that follows for about a month afterward. I love teaching this class, we always have a good time. If you've been thinking about signing up but haven't yet, don't wait any longer!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Paintings of Fort Lauderdale II

Two more paintings of Fort Lauderdale, interiors this time. It really was nice to get away from all the snow and cold for a week.

"Treasure Trove", Oil, 8" x 10"- sold

"Dinner at Casablanca", oil, 8" x 10"- sold

For purchase information, contact Liz at Munn Fine Arts, 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Paintings of Fort Lauderdale

A trip to Florida last month yielded some paintings of Fort Lauderdale. Here are two-

 "Afternoon on Las Olas", oil, 8" x 10"

"The Elbo Room", oil, 8" x 10"
For Purchase information, contact Liz at Munn Fine Arts , (508)247-0444.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Portrait class

Oil, 9" x 12"
I'll be teaching a new portrait class at the Portsmouth Art Guild starting on Wednesday, March 25. There'll be a two week Portrait Drawing class, followed by a five week "Painting with 4 Colors" class. A lot of problems students have painting portraits stems from difficulties in drawing, so a couple of weeks of just drawing can help get you in the groove. We work from live models for all classes.