
Friday, October 28, 2016

Drawing the music

It's great to be able to listen to music and sketch at the same time.
The other night I attended a practice session of a group of musicians who meet every other Wednesday night at the Barrington Community Center in Barrington RI to play from the Django Rinehart songbook. They are a fantastic group, and I couldn't believe that my friend and I were the only ones there listening to them.
There were about eight people, including this accordion player, another guitar player and a pianist hidden in the corner.

The frying pan and spoon playing was at a different event in early September, the Fiddle and Folk Fest, at Haines Park, also in Barrington. It's been going on for several years now and it's free. If you like this kind of music and live nearby, put it on your calendar for next year.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Take a deep breath

"Fall Foliage", oil, 5" x 7"

I've been thinking of resuming blogging for a few weeks now but have been putting it off because I didn't know what to say. The last time I posted on my blog was May 29, when my husband was in the hospital. He passed away in early July.

We were together for almost 40 years, so adjusting to life without him has been sad, uncomfortable,  lonely. I'm so grateful to the friends and family who have helped me get through this difficult time.

Recently I started painting again, going out with my friend Ann for a few plein air excursions and meeting up with the portrait group I've been going to for quite a few years. Keeping busy, putting one foot in front of the other, you get used to your "new normal". Time does heal, slowly, and getting out on a warm autumn day in the woods is restorative.