
Monday, December 22, 2008

Park here- sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 8"
Christmas certainly has a way throwing a monkey wrench into your plans. Last week was a busy one, and the time I spent in the studio produced mostly wipers. I made up for it over the weekend, though.
This painting is from a photo I took the last time I was in New York. And by the way, I've passed the one year mark as a blogger! I'm so glad I've been doing this- when you spend most of your time alone in your studio, having the world see and comment on your work is really a trip. Happy holidays to all.


  1. I so agree! Painting can be a solitary existance. Turns out, artists are very supportive and fun people! Who knew! Merry Christmas

  2. the orange cone anchors the works! Very nice.
    Yes Christmas activity has sabotaged any momentum I had. Christmas "turkeys" takes on it's own meaning in my little studio. I finally just 'gave in' to the season. Let the merriment recharge the batteries...fa la la la la la la la la!!

  3. congrats on your one year blog anniversary. i just had mine as well and know all that you went thru to get to this point. you do great work and i've been watching a few weeks now. cant remember how i got you , carole marine, maybe. you were on somebodies 'favorites' and i'm glad. now youre on mine!

  4. Beautiful!'I just wanted to say that your paintings are always an inspiration to me!

  5. Hey Kathy.......have fun in DC..........saw 4 of your paintings at JR's yesterday, through the window, unframed on one easel. They look great! Hope your holiday was good, I will email you soon. Patty
