
Friday, March 27, 2009

Afternoon at the Cape- SOLD

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
I liked the soft pastel colors of this scene; I think they help create a relaxed mood. This painting is from a photo I took on Cape Cod a little while back.


  1. This is a lovely painting. I love that you can feel the air in it: nice and hot!

    I want summer!

  2. Kathy, I love everything about this painting! Well done!!

  3. wonderful light. Love the counterbalance you made with the guy on the right.

  4. Kathy,
    I think the composition is very good and the atmosphere, light, feeling of wetness in the air and sand, and ocean are so well painted. Although the water puddle immediately in front of the figures is playing tricks with my perception of the ground plane. To me it looks a little like there is a raised platform that the figures are sitting on and I don't believe that is your intention. I think there is an optical illusion where the puddle at far right connects to the male figure (a tangent with his swimsuit). To me it makes the puddle appear to be vertical (like a step up) instead of laying horizontal (flat). Possibly if the water did not end at that exact spot it would read better, or if there was some separation between the man and water. Possibly if the right end of the puddle was not so vertical and parallel to the side it would read better ( a little perspective). I apologize for the nitpick, everything else about the painting ( IMHO) is so well done.

  5. kathy..there are such moments in our lives when the world just seems to suddenly make sense.. doubt, uncertainty and the vast unknown cease to exist..everything in the world is exactly where it should be..the sun, the water and the air all embrace this perfect moment, holding it timelessly for a few fragile seconds the way a child holds a soap bubble...then pop...a cloud covers the sun...the breeze turns chilly and a wave rushes under our beach chair ...your cape cod painting captures perfectly such a breathless moment...thank you for reminding us all to keep searching for those perfect magical moments...

  6. Like the composition and lost edges. Love the subject. Very cool.

  7. Your prescise rendering of the color and light, the lovely loose edges that remind me of the summer to come, and the loose strokes on the beach really come together to make this a blockbuster!

  8. Outstanding painting, Kathy! I love the beautiful soft colors and the little hits of highlight.

  9. Wow- I guess I'm not the only on who's ready for a day at the beach! Jeff, thanks for noticing the "counterbalance"- I debated whether or not to include that guy and decided he had to be there.
    William, good point about the reflection- it does kind of look like a platform- I think that would be easy to fix.
    Brian- I'm saving everything you write to use in my next book!

  10. This is absolutely breathtaking! Gorgeous light and color. I can smell the salt air...
