
Thursday, April 1, 2010

The land of the flood

This has been a different kind of week. I usually teach all day Tuesday in Providence, but the afternoon class was cancelled when the governor declared a rain emergency. I went home to find water seeping in to our basement. We live on top of a hill, and it takes a lot of rain (say, 6 inches in 24 hours) to make this happen. So, I spent the rest of the day with a mop and a bucket, keeping the water confined to the 2 corners where it was coming in. For a while it seemed like I couldn't keep up, but fortunately the rain tapered off by mid afternoon and by 8PM the seepage had stopped. I'm not complaining- many people had much bigger problems with water coming in.

Yesterday I loaded a bunch of paintings in the car and headed to the Bristol Art Museum for the show that's opening tomorrow night. If you're in the area, come by.

Also, there's still room in  my "Painting a small still life" workshop next Friday, April 9.

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