
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fort Hill morning

Oil on canvas, 12" x 16"
This is the view looking south from the top of Fort Hill. We painted there several times during our stay at the cape.
Email me for price.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Swim and boat at your own risk-sold

Oil on canvas, 9" x 12"
The cottage that we rented for the week was on a pond, and this green cottage was the one next door. It was a cute, quiet place, as only two other cottages were occupied, and they were the ones furthest away from us. (Ours was in the middle.) There was a little sandy beach and a dock with rowboats, which I didn't include in this painting. (I couldn't resist the clothesline though.) Does it remind you of places your parents took you when you were kids?
$400.00 plus shipping.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rock Harbor afternoon-sold

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
This was the third painting I did on this particular day. By the time Janice and I headed back to our cottage, we were dead on our feet.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rock Harbor morning

Oil on panel, 8"x10"
During the summer, you can't paint from this spot because you need a permit to get into the parking lot. That's why painting on the Cape is better in September- the weather is still really good but most of the tourists have gone home. No parking lot attendants anywhere.
Email me for price.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fort Hill I

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
Fort Hill is part of the Cape Cod National Seashore, a really beautiful place with a spectacular view. I did a few paintings here that I'll be posting this week. I really liked the curve of this road as it goes up the hill to the parking lot.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Painting on Cape Cod

Janice Reading
Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
I've been on a painting trip to Cape Cod for the last week,  renting a cottage with some friends who are also painters. We painted landscapes during the day, and at night, we decided, we would model for each other. That lasted the first three nights, then we kind of ran out of steam. This is my favorite, my friend Janice with a glass of wine and a good book.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Peppers and tomatoes- sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 6"
Some of the last produce from my garden. Can't believe summer's almost over.
I won't be blogging next week, or shipping paintings. Be back Sat., 9/25.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wild berries- sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 6"
I picked these while we were out painting at the Narrow River. I don't know what they are- they're the size of cherries. The ripe ones had fallen on the ground, and were yellow or yellow-brown. If you know what they are, let me know!
I'll be teaching a few classes in October. Plein air class on Saturday morning in the Providence area, October 2, 9, and 16. Contact me if you're interested.
A still life class at the Portsmouth Art Guild on Saturday mornings, Oct. 23- Nov. 13.
And, also at the Portsmouth Art Guild, a workshop I'll be teaching with artist Mike Rooney, Loose and colorful landscapes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Narrow River

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
The Narrow River winds down to Narragansett Beach and is a popular place to kayak. My friend Ann and I went painting there the other day.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bus stop II

Oil on canvas panel, 6" x 8"
This couple was waiting for the bus to New York in downtown Providence recently.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Peppers, reflected-sold

Oil on canvas, 6" x 6"
Banana peppers and cherry tomatoes, straight from the garden.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bartender with citrus fruits-sold

Oil on panel, 6" x 8"
This guy was tending the bar at McCormick and Schmidt in downtown Providence. They always have a big bowl of oranges, lemons and limes at the end of the bar, a vibrant note of color in an otherwise dark interior (except for the TV, which I might have left out except it framed his head so nicely.)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Beehive Cafe

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
People kept telling me that the Beehive Cafe in Bristol had the best coffee and pastries in town, and yesterday I finally had the chance to try it for myself, when I met my students and we decided to paint right across the street. I skipped the pastry, but can verify that the coffee was excellent. I have to say, the thick slabs of French toast I saw being put on the grill looked really good too.