
Friday, October 29, 2010

The Squantum Club-sold

Oil on panel, 8" x 10"
My friend Ann and I went to the East Bay Bike Path yesterday to paint. I've done a number of paintings of this building, and right now the foliage colors are really beautiful.

We were there for about an hour when some guy I've never seen before rode by on a bike, stopped and said hi, then told me that if I ever needed a male model, he was the guy.

HUH? Tell me, my male painter friends, when was the last time this happened to you? And ladies, what would you have said?


  1. If he was joking, he's out of tune with the times. If he wasn't, he needs to hook up with a therapist -- or a cop.

    As for saying anything -- scary. Worst case, he's already in a predatory mood, or acting out compulsive behavior, and you don't want to trigger anything further.

    At most, maybe something neutral: I'm not planning to do any figural work. Or: When I do figural work, I use an agency.

    You might want to discuss this with the park commission. They don't want solicitation going on. Granted, they can't do anything about your incident, but if they are a professional organization and are adequately trained, they will have suggestions and avenues for handling this in the future.

    On a lighter note, as a 6' 3", 210+ pound male, I would have said, "I arrange all my models through a special agency. You can call them. Their number is nine one one."

  2. YES, it HAS happened to me. He also then told me he doesn't do nude sittings. So, I thought. "Well, I guess I am in Utah." Anyway, I told him I'd keep his card on file and let him know if I ever need someone. I've always wanted to say that. BTW, Great painting as always. Colleen

  3. Thanks Dave! I have to say, I didn't feel threatened at any point with this guy- but that's why I like to go painting with friends. If I had been 6'3" and 210 lbs and male he never would have made the offer. I'll have to remember the "special agency" phone number!

  4. Thanks Colleen. Interesting- he had a card? And he doesn't do nudes? Curious...

  5. I was an artist rep at one time and worked with models, artists and photographers. Most likely models are looking for work just like everyone else these days. If you did not feel threatened I think it was just a happening along the way. Love the club painting and the flag blowing in the wind.

  6. Ruth, I know he may have just been looking for work. Just wonder if he would have told Dave he was available...( :

  7. I've had a creepy encounter on the bike path, someone who just didn't talk about exhibiting himself. Nothing happened, but it makes me mad that I have to feel vulnerable if I want to paint alone in a quiet place on the path. Damn.
