
Monday, January 10, 2011

Under the arch-sold

Oil on panel, 6" x 8"
I realized that I should mention that the painting to be given away at the end of the month to a subscriber will be a 6" x 6" or 6" x 8", not one of my larger pieces. Also, if you choose to subscribe, please be sure to click on the email you receive after you subscribe. This is necessary to confirm the subscription. If you don't get the email right away, check your spam folder.


  1. Impressive, Kathy - I love your architecturals!

  2. Kathy- Where do I start- the lighting is fabulous, the composition with the figures is wonderful. You are really good at architectural pieces- The arch is wonderful and has a sense of history to it. Very well done:)

  3. So amazed that you get such a large look on this small canvas. Love the contrast of light and dark. Great perspective!

  4. Wonderful little piece of art Kathy. The gold of the arch just highlights the figures ... nice!

  5. Beautiful! You always do such a great job capturing the light. The arch is gorgeous. Well done!

  6. Like Gwen, I can't believe you packed so much into so few inches and you kept it loose and fresh, too! Wonderful.

  7. Wonderful Painting! The architecture and the figures are wonderful.

  8. The curved shape of yellows in the arch with the bits of red next to the gray tones leads your eye back into the painting. Nice work!
