
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hangin' at Rick's

Oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
Lots of paintings started, not so many finished. I think this one is done; the hardest part when using photos is not overworking it. That's not so hard when painting a landscape, but when you're painting figures it can be hard to know how much rendering to do, and how much to leave to the viewer's imagination.


  1. This is a really nice one! I'd say you struck a good balance on how much detail to include with the people.
    I do love the TV screen on the upper right-very detailed but it adds a lot to the overall atmosphere!

  2. I always love your candid scenes. You have such a gift for painting perspectives of multiple figures. Just amazing! The light in this one is so inviting as well.

  3. You always seem to manage that well! Just enough"detail" to suggest the detail. Yes, That is a tough one but you pull it off so beautifully! I love this one.

  4. You always manage to find that perfect balance. Just enough detail to "suggest" without telling the whole story. I love this one.

  5. I love this. Great suggestion of subject.

  6. Definitely would love being in a bar right now during this rainy day, so this is the next best thing Kathy.
    Lovely rendition and execution.

  7. I had to study this for a while to comment on all the good things about it.

    Figures are posed very naturally and masterfully executed. Love the slants of sunlight pointing to the group of girls.

    Love that large gold shape (sun on the wall) on the right, and the light blue shape (man's shirt) on the left.

    I could go on....wonderful painting, Kathy. You have such a gift for figures.
