
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Crazy Week

Last week was crazy busy- taught all day Tuesday in Providence, at the Convention Center at 8AM on Wednesday to set up my booth for the Home Show, at the show Thursday 3-9PM.

Taught my last "Limited Color Portrait" class at the Portsmouth Art Guild on Friday morning (some of the results above, I was proud of everyone, a number of them had never painted from a live model before and it was a struggle). Back to the Convention Center Friday afternoon. My husband babysat my booth Friday night so I could go to an opening at the Imago Gallery, where I'm part of a group show until April 22 (see sidebar of blog).

Back to the Convention Center Saturday all day until 9PM, and Sunday until 5PM. Then, EVERYTHING comes down. It's quite a spectacle, watching trucks and forklifts carrying jacuzzis, mattresses, and what have you out of the hall, dodging the dozens of people who are carrying stuff to their vehicles. It's amazing how fast it all comes apart.

Was it worth it? From a financial viewpoint, the jury is still out. A lot of networking goes on at these shows. I met and talked to dozens of people, including a number who subscribed to my blog while they were there. To all of you, thanks! I really enjoyed meeting you. (And thanks to the people at Apple computer, because the iPad makes all things possible.)


  1. Learned a lot in the workshop Kathy....wish it had lasted longer. You also inspired me to go buy an IPad!

  2. Thanks Dyan. It was such a nice group- I really enjoyed teaching it!
